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The Artful Dodger II

Sunday, December 16, 2007


well its been an interesting fall with not the best of weather that I would have expected, been making plans for the springs departure, are for destination still not completely sure as yet. The destinations could be Europe by the northern route via Labrador, Greenland and on, or north passages to BC, and then could just head south the Caribbean. The winter has started early here with a few snowstorms already. With Christmas close have decided to spend it some where warm so with that of to the sunny south on the 19th of December. I realize haven't been very tidy in keeping this blog updated but, had to get a new computer and work with this program of vista, which is now starting to come around. Here in Newfoundland have found that this place is like stepping back about 15 years, both with peoples perceptions and the progress with changing times, most clothes styles, hair styles, and as well new housing are signs which one would have seen 15 years ago. The people here are all like brethren and help one another and everyone knows you or someone who knows of you, very small community. you are either a Towney, bayman or cfa(come from away) or other wise an import. The other interesting thing here is that politics here is a sport. well enough said for know, will be back soon with more and some pics of the development of the Artful, as well pics of friends from my travels thus far.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Now in Newfoundland

Well here she is resting and waiting in Newfoundland, for the spring with three options, one leave in the early spring for Labrador, Greenland, Iceland, with then on to Europe.

The second option would be north in the spring to Labrador, west coast of Greenland, then across the north of Canada to Vancouver.

The third option is south in the fall to Nova Scotia then on over to Bermuda, then south on 65 degrees to St Thomas.

With three such possibilities will be a long winter deciding especially here in Newfoundland, but will be exciting planning though.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

First Puffin, I've seen, weather great, winds light, there were lots of whales about but timing off to take pictures. was able to get 5.3 knots only with forward gibe, the shack down found some areas needing attention, one for sure secure the main roller for anchor, its loose, must have been all the wild seas I've been up against, not to mention the wild winter we road out.

First anchorage of the season, calm seas but in order to return to port have to wait on tides something. else I'm becoming very knowledge about.
Here is a picture of the coast and how rugged it is, might say here that I'm toying with thoughts of looking at the North West Passage to go to Vancouver, there are some who are heading there this year will see how they fare before I make my final decision

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

New Head

well it has taken almost two years but finally have been able to finish up the head, as you can see there is a before and after. I'm finishing up a lot of the needed changes before the major trip starts. Just a note although its July here it is still very cold yet, they say the weather here has two seasons, winter and August, and I'm thinking that its true.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Canada Am

Canada Am was in the Gut for a weather report on the 14th of June, DJ Tours brought in Jeff Hutchinson as you can see. As well the weather has finally turned for the good. The other picture shows the Newfoundlnd pup and its mother. Just ouside the gut it was guarded by this Ice berg

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Ice Berg off Cape Spear NFLD

Ice Berg off Cape Spear, Wild winds are bringing the Bergs down, whales are also reported in the area. June has arrived and still weather is cold, always around 3 degrees.

Friday, May 25, 2007

New Galley

New look for the galley of The Artful Dodger, ceramic tile, with maple trim, making changes after I've been living aboard for a while which will work better
Capt Pat

Sunday, May 13, 2007


Was wondering has anyone back in Ottawa seen this guy, as its sailing season.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Early morning on Ottawa river, back in 2005

Monday, May 7, 2007

Ocean Mornings

Morning on the open sea