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Custom Search
The Artful Dodger II

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Trepassey to St Brides

Here is Karin at the helm doing her 30 minutes as I was doing an hour where by then I would plot our course on the paper chart. Because our auto pilot was not working we had to hand steer. With having to do this we were able to get a better feel as to how Artful handled the different sea conditions and winds, even though it was a hard way to learn. Once we got to Trepassey the wind was on our port side blowing at about 15 knots. This resulted in us being blow onto the dock which we dock on our star board side. We were lucky there was a chap who also was traveling who caught our lines. He was heading on to St John's he has brought his new boat he had bought all the way from Florida. With the wind and sea conditions as they were, it was a rough night being rocked about as well meant for a waited moment in the morning when we were able to get off the dock and on our way to St Brides in the morning. Our departure was around 6:30. This was also the leg to Trepassey of which we went around Cape Race we were amazed how the wind was on our Starboard side and shifted that way all around the cape.

Fermeuse to Trepassey

This is us tide off to a fishing boat in Fermeuse Harbour, was a good calm place, with a restaurant close by and as well some gasoline, as it was here that we started making use of our Honda 2000 generator. We found that one tank full would last a day for us which in terms of money was about $3.50. It was here where we also make our first of many attempts on our journey to Halifax to sort out our issues with our auto pilot. We were treated really great here, which started with such treatment through out our entire journey. We found it cold here as well so we kept our propane fireplace going, along with an electric blanket for the bed, I must say was a good item to have and sure recommend it to others as well, it was good for cuddling. After our day of rest we departed on the 17th of May with first again trying to swing our compass and fit the auto pilot, again didn't work, and if your not sure what I mean by swing our compass, we didn't swing it around our heads we sailed out into the harbour and turned the boat in a small circle, to try and set our boat deviation, more on that later in a post.
Our Day Of Departure from St John's Newfoundland

Breakfast at Cora's before our departure, with Randy, Karin, Steve senior and Steve Junior

On deck for departure pictures

Just leaving the dock, as we have turned and are heading out to the Narrows.

Just entering the Narrows leaving the Harbour

Also just entering the Narrows looking back into the Harbour

Just now coming out of the Narrows and heading on over for Cape Spear, seas were not to bad here but we could see some waves ahead and they were breaking.

In the Narrows also just entering the sea

This is looking again back as we are leaving the Narrows and St John's Harbour.

The trip on an average sail would have taken us about 9 to 10 hours, but on this day with seas at about 9 to 10 feet on our Port side and breaking with also a 15 to 20 knot wind gusting at times to 30 plus knots we made our first leg of the trip in just 6 and a half hours. This was a good start although we realize we have to store things a little better as there was a bit of a mess inside the boat. So with that we decided we would spend a day of rest and get better organized in Fermeuse.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some of our Many Friends From Newfoundland

Cake which Karin's place of employment had for us on her last day at work.

Cutting the cake

Wayne and Karin

Karin, Jerry, John, Dianna, Pat and Mike

Maurice, must say we our greatly indebted to this chap, a real true friend beyond measure.

Buds of mine Wayne and Dwayne, great guys

Tom from speedy, I'm still keeping count Tom, at least every day.

Dave Pike, great golfer and real good friend, he said we would never leave.

Moose, again another great person I worked with

Darrell, best fellow I've worked with and best sales guy at Speedy, good on you Darrell.

Quidi Vidi Office crew



Frankey, real great guy always trying to help you

Chris on the brewery line

Dave , would like to thank you for having us for 3 and half years

Barbara, we would also like to mention Ed Soper and Roy the Brew Master of Quidi Vidi Brewery, wasn't able to get pictures of them.
There are many more people but going forward in following posts will speak of them with respect to our times in Newfoundland.

Thanks to you all
Patric and Karin