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The Artful Dodger II

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Holidays

Karin and I went home for Christmas to see my mom and her's as well, and as well many of our great friends and some family members, with a few surprises. I'm sure some who see theses pictures will just see them as family and friends yet for some who know us will have a few surprises and no doubt questions.

We must say that Butch here is our great pal and bud spent Christmas at a cat spa, he is here trying to fit into his grand mother's suit case to head back to Ottawa.

This little sweet dear is my grand daughter

This young couple is my son-in-law Dale and my daughter,


Here we have Jessica, Karin's daughter who celebrated her birthday on the 24th of Dec and her mom Gossie as we call her, both very special to us.

These two fellows are Karin's son Shawn and her father Fred, two very great guys and also special to both of us.

In this picture you have me, (Patric), Karin and our very best friend Richard. Richard is a Pilot with a major Air line and single as well, has a great boat, runs marathons, skis, and if there are any ladies out there who wish to know more drop us a line, as he would be a great catch.

This pic is of the two most important ladies in my life Karin my love, and Lily my mom. Its been almost 7 years since I had seen my mom, and that's not good as a son but will be correcting that in the future.

Here I am with my mom who has been the best mom in the world always there for all the times of which I've needed her, and that always seems to be when ever I got home, but this year was different it was to have her meet Karin and then maybe have Karin understand a little more about me as well.

Love you mom and your the best.

When ever we are back in Ottawa we always make a trip to our most favorite restaurant, El Meson, here we have Gossie and the three waiters, and once more another great meal.

Over the years of being in Ottawa I always go to a little restaurant and have some breakfast and there would be Jazz our great friend. With becoming great pals and friends we try to get together. Although now she works for Cora's we make sure to always have a visit. We wish you the best with your new venture in the new year Jazz.

This fine couple are the owner's of Ada's dinner where we met Jazz, must say they have a great breakfast, one that if you haven't had while in Ottawa it's worth checking out. They are on Bank Street.

With Christmas over and the New Year just a couple a days away, Karin and I have some schooling to do in the new year for a few weeks, and start getting ready for our spring departure.

We wish everyone a Happy New Year, and good health.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Wintering in Newfoundland

Wishing to be some where warm like this

With the fact that we will be attempting to winter this year aboard the boat many new things have to be addressed, from staying warm and prepping the boat including ourselves, to arranging for showers. As for the boat we have insulated under our forward V berth with 1 and half inch stero foam. We also have a heating blanket which is turned on low or the 2 setting, about half hour before we head to bed.

Our main heating sources are a propane fireplace on only when we are a wake and a radiant electric heater, which is very good and uses very low power. The other thing with heat in the boat at winter time is condensation. To battle this every two weeks the boats inside hull and bilge is washed done, and cleaned, all stopping any mold and giving a fresh sent.

Karin and I are enjoying this new experience, with lessons of living in small quarters and learning how to not get on each others nerves. We are nearing Christmas and so have planned a trip home to see everyone, as will mostly likely be a few years before we will be back seeing we are pushing off in the spring.

There hasn't been to much really happening of late just waiting for the impending winter, daily routines and such. The H1N1 has hit here for sure and think I might of had it back in early September all the things I experienced then with the people are going through now seem so much the same, it actually had me down for a week, had thought it was just a real bad flue but recovered anyway.

We think we might have found our third crew member for when we sail from Halifax to Bermuda, but there will be more on that and our future plans in the next few blogs. Karin and I will, for the months of January through to the end of March be in school taking navigation again with the Power squadron hopefully we will get a better grasp of the navigation thing.

I would also suggest checking out some of the links here and reading of other sailor's adventures, and will be adding some new ones soon as others are getting ready to push off.

Sunday, October 4, 2009



In all the times we've been living aboard Artful we have had many people stop by and say hello. I've enjoyed so much the visiting of new people and friends that I should have been taking pictures and posting them here, just to show how far ranging some people have come to visit. Going forward I'm going to try and get pictures of every person I give our card to and post pictures of them here. Some of the people we have met have become very close friends now and we stay in close touch. With the idea as well of stopping into meet some of our new found friends who live throughout the world. I have to say that its the meeting of people stopping by which has made life even more rich for us.

June and David Fricker from British Columbia, they have a 30ft Yankee.

Gary and Ann Patterson from Ottawa, and Bob and Mary Geroux from Perth

Zoe Avery, Mike Avery and Denise Stamp from Lake Tahoe USA

With some updates on things and how things are going around here, Karin is on a mend for sure and we are settling in with the idea of leaving in the spring. It seems a little bit of a set back but think the extra time helps us get use to really living aboard and adjusting to things ie cooking cleaning and in general living in our small space. With coming of winter and thus the adjusting of the brewery hours we have to solve problems like showering, snow, winds just to mention a few.

All of which we will take in our stride. The months should pass by with not to much of problems as we have things planed for every month right up to and including Christmas, which is only 2 and half months away. Then after that it will be a down hill slide to spring and push off. As you have noticed have said spring and given no real date as it could be any time between May and end of June. We know for sure our first stop will be to Fermuse to haul Artful and do some new painting and chores in order to get on our way.

There is also one other thought which is going through my head of late and that is with all the people who have visited this site and dropped by the boat, trying to figure out how I could get everyone to put there name in a hat and win a trip somewhere in the world for a week with us. The only trick is to figure out the details something of which I will be thinking on, will except any ideas which will make this work.

Patric and Karin

Monday, September 14, 2009

Back on Track

Back on Track

Well today was to be our push off for sailing adventures, but with the little bump in the road with our health issues that has been put over to spring.
All finished with the doctors and having found out that with just a few doctors visits over the next few months to monitor the drugs Karin will be on, leaves us time for an early spring departure.
So with the fact we actually haven't pushed off, our mine set is that we are in the leaving zone. One such aspect of this will be that we will most likely stay aboard the boat, and experience the winter. Guess being we had given up our apartment in the spring and have been living aboard since April we feel comfortable. There will no doubt be some adjustments to making this move. We've also got some more plans for Artful with respect to interior decorations, and making it even more our home, lets just say more homey.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quick update

Quick Update

Things have been put on hold for the moment with respect to pushing off as we are still seeing specialist, and waiting for results and possible appointments for some small surgery. It has taken a full year to get this issue dealt with, so hopefully all will be done and our date set to head off. I must say it is a little bit of a set back but we are packed and ready to go. Will report back in a few days with the new update.

On another note we went through hurricane Bill weather the other night with Artful completely stripped down. The ride with the wind and rain lasted about 3 hours and at times have to admit I found it scary.
The wind when it came sounded just like a freight train, and the boat would be jerked from the dock and one could hear the lines stretching as well we thought at any moment they might give way.
In the picture you can see how the boat was taken apart and the dock lines set out, I also put lines across to the other side of the channel and tide to huge rocks. Later in the night I tighten those lines and made ready for the up coming storm.
We also left little dodge in the water behind us to ride out the storm as well. I might also point out the wind came on the bow, and so we were placed better for what was coming our way.
Its been a long month of August waiting for answers, but they are now close at hand, we also have some company coming in a few days who I know will give us both a pickup. The person is non other than Karin's mom a real trooper.
I would also say you should check out the Trowbridge link here on my blog as they are a present heading through the North west Passage, and think you might find it a good read, not to mention very interesting.

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Departure Date

New Departure Date

Well its official we have had to set back our departure date until the 10 of September, and of this moment that is 65 days away. The reason is so that we can get some important business taken care of and see Doctors for appointments which have taken near a year to get. Once these are out of the way by the first of September we will then be off. We will leave the gute on the Saturday of 12 of September, sail over to St John's main harbour and stay until the 14th as will not be leaving on the 13th. Our hope is to sail to Fermuse, spend the night there, then at first light around 5 in the morning put out for Cape Breton which should takes us about three days an a bit. This will be our first real test on making everything work. Then with this out of the way we will be sailing through the Canso strait on to PEI to see Karin's father Fred. After a wee visit with Fred and Rose we will then sail on down to Halifax, with a few stops in between to practise our anchoring and Karin being the helmsman. With an arrival of early October we hope then to have Karin's mother come out and visit with us for a few days before we push off for Bermuda somewhere around the 19th or 20th. We will have about a three week window to make this trip, but if the weather does not work out we will winter in Halifax and set off in the early spring. So as one can read we have some interesting and exciting times a head of us in the next few months.

Karin has always ask why I have never put pictures of family on our blog so thought that had better listen and show some so over the next few post will introduce some of our families.

In this pic is Karin's father experienced skipper watching the younger rookie skipper and giving some pointer's. There is a very interesting story about Fred's sail boat and how it came to Canada, and will share that in an up coming post.

In this pic you can see how I do my late watches, as it seems Karin took this picture back in 2005 when we were coming out the St Lawrence early one morning, it was cool that morning and I said I was just trying to stay warm, I wasn't sleeping.
This smiling young lady is Karin's Daughter Jessica who plays a big part in our lives as we try to keep up to date with her life. It seems to be always new an exciting, I must say though she is special and will also be in Halifax for a quick visit as well to see us off. She will be driving her Grandmother back to Ottawa after her visit with us.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Renaming our Boat

Renaming our Boat

Ceremony for Renaming Your Boat by Capt Pat (not me)

Everyone knows that renaming your boat will bring nothing but bad luck and make your boating experience something that you will want to forget. But what happens when, after months of searching, you find your dreamboat with a name that you just cannot live with. For example, my first love was a 28-foot Alden with the most beautiful lines I’d ever seen. She was named Perfidious. How could anything this graceful be named betrayer of trust? Well, I never bought her, but I often thought that if I had, I would have renamed her Magic, after my wife.
Renaming a boat is, of course, not something to be done lightly. Since the beginning of time, sailors have sworn that there are unlucky ships and the unluckiest ships of all are those who have defied the gods and changed their names. So, is there a way to change a name and not incur the wrath of those deities that rule the elements? Yes, Virginia, there is.

According to legend, each and every vessel is recorded by name in the Ledger of the Deep and is known personally to Poseidon, or Neptune, the god of the sea. It is logical therefore, if we wish to change the name of our boat, the first thing we must do is to purge its name from the Ledger of the Deep and from Poseidon’s memory.
This is an involved process beginning with the removal or obliteration of every trace of the boat’s current identity. This is essential and must be done thoroughly. I once went through the ceremony after the owner had assured me that every reference to his boat’s old name had been purged from her. A couple of weeks later, he discovered he had missed a faded name on her floating key chain. I advised him to start over, perhaps with a little extra libation for the ruler of the sea. Unfortunately, he declined. Since then, his boat has been struck by lightning, had its engine ruined by the ingress of the sea, been damaged by collision and finally sunk! It pays to be thorough.
In purging your boat, it is acceptable to use White-Out or some similar obliterating fluid to expunge the boat’s name from log books, engine and maintenance records etc., but it is much easier to simply remove the offending document from the boat and start afresh. Don’t forget the life rings and especially the transom and forward name boards. Do not under any circumstances carry aboard any item bearing your boat’s new name until the purging and renaming ceremonies have been completed! Once you are certain every reference to her old name has been removed from her, all that is left to do is to prepare a metal tag with the old name written on it in water-soluble ink. You will also need a bottle of reasonably good Champagne. Plain old sparkling wine won’t cut it.
Since this is an auspicious occasion, it is a good time to invite your friends to witness and to party.
Begin by invoking the name of the ruler of the deep as follows:
Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name (here insert the old name of your vessel) which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea. (At this point, the prepared metal tag is dropped from the bow of the boat into the sea.)
In grateful acknowledgment of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court. (Pour at least half of the bottle of Champagne into the sea from East to West. The remainder may be passed among your guests.
It is usual for the renaming ceremony to be conducted immediately following the purging ceremony, although it may be done at any time after the purging ceremony. For this portion of the proceedings, you will need more Champagne, Much more because you have a few more gods to appease.
Begin the renaming by again calling Poseidon as follows:
Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to take unto your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter and for all time known as (Here insert the new name you have chosen), guarding her with your mighty arm and trident and ensuring her of safe and rapid passage throughout her journeys within your realm.
In appreciation of your munificence, dispensation and in honor of your greatness, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court. (At this point, one bottle of Champagne, less one glass for the master and one glass for the mate are poured into the sea from West to East.
The next step in the renaming ceremony is to appease the gods of the winds. This will assure you of fair winds and smooth seas. Because the four winds are brothers, it is permissible to invoke them all at the same time, however, during the ceremony; you must address each by name.
Begin in this manner:
Oh mighty rulers of the winds, through whose power our frail vessels traverse the wild and faceless deep, we implore you to grant this worthy vessel (Insert your boat’s new name) the benefits and pleasures of your bounty, ensuring us of your gentle ministration according to our needs.
(Facing north, pour a generous libation of Champagne into a Champagne flute and fling to the North as you intone:) Great Boreas, exalted ruler of the North Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your frigid breath.
(Facing west, pour the same amount of Champagne and fling to the West while intoning:) Great Zephyrus, exalted ruler of the West Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your wild breath.
(Facing east, repeat and fling to the East.) Great Eurus, exalted ruler of the East Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your mighty breath.
(Facing south, repeat, flinging to the South.) Great Notus, exalted ruler of the South Wind, grant us permission to use your mighty powers in the pursuit of our lawful endeavors, ever sparing us the overwhelming scourge of your scalding breath.
Of course, any champagne remaining will be the beginnings of a suitable celebration in honor of the occasion.
Once the ceremony has been completed, you may bring aboard any and all items bearing the new name of your vessel. If you must schedule the painting of the new name on the transom before the ceremony, be sure the name is not revealed before the ceremony is finished. It may be covered with bunting or some other suitable material.

So as one can see we have quite a task ahead of ourselves to rename Artful properly, something of which we will be doing in a few short weeks.

Now on another note here is Butch and trouble, as he has taken to walks on the underside of the dock when our backs are turned, he is becoming more comfortable in his surroundings.

Here is the final out come of our complete cock pit enclosure, which is going to work well as for an extra room, not to mention the protection from sun and rain.

In this picture we have just finished up the bright work to the toe rails all sanded and re varnished, boy we are glad we don't have a wooded boat and not a lot of bright work on Artful
The days for approaching departure are getting close and we have found we will be setting the date back by a few days until the 10 of September, as we find we have some few things do deal with, such as closing up our job commitments and medical appointments which have us seeing doctors up until the first of September. It seems Karin has developed some arthritis in her hands and she was able to finally able to get to see some one and the last appointment will be Sept. then we are our way.
Over the past week we have been visited by many tourist, who have been here at the brewery. It's been great talking with you all and sharing our plans, not to mention trying to encourage some of you to follow your dreams and make the big move.
We've added a comment part to our post now and look forward to your comments, so please drop us a note and let us know where your at so we can add you to our contact list.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Artful Dodger

The Artful Dodger
This a quick update, which we will have more early next week but we thought it would be best to pass along this new information.
First the name of The Artful Dodger has been change to
The Artful Dodger II
The reason for this is that Artful is now an official registered boat of Canada, and thus her name is now also registered, making we can now remove her previous number and only be recognized by the title of
The Artful Dodger II
There will also be a call sign shortly as well for using our Marine radios
All of this had to be done so once we are in foreign ports we will not get in big trouble. There will be more info and pictures in a few days but thought should post this info.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Preparations Getting On

Preparations Getting On

Well as one can see in the picture the deck is all amiss, as we are sanding and varnishing the toe rail. We are also trying to think of some way to have the two extra propane tanks stay on the deck between the mast, as the dingy will be just in front of them. The weather has been great this spring, almost one would think you weren't in Newfoundland. With this weather we have been able to get on with our to do list.

We have yet to set the main as the weather or wind as is the case just when we get ready swings around and works against us. When that happens we get back to our big to do list which is getting some major attention.

One such project of which has been taken care of is the removal of the steering ram and having it rebuilt. The engine has had its pre trip preparation performed and its now running like a well oil sewing machine.

Here in the picture from the rear of Artful the rear entrance has been made, as this will be our main access to our boat in the near future. There has been screens installed in the enclosure with zip out windows for fresh air. As one can see little Dodger is ready to go as well, the out board all having been serviced.

There I finished installing the new VHF radio today, having to open the opening where the previous one was. The new VHF has DSC features and MMSI as well, have to wire in the NMEA connections, to give us GPS reading and other features as well all of which we are sifting through.

Just above the VHF is our SSB radio of which the wiring has been done to hook it to the AT 130 tuner, just have to wire in the grounds and power connections. And yes right beside that is Butch's bathroom, which I must say has been working very well with cleaning it every day. Speaking of Butch, one night a few days ago I got up at 12:30 at night and got a drink, at that time Butch was spread out snoring. When I got up at 5am to get ready for work found the hatch open couldn't remember opening but then I realized there was no Butch, quickly checking through out the boat, no cat to be found. Rushing I went out into the cock pit and on deck still no Butch, then I had the bad thought he got off or fell in and drowned. Thinking i missed something I went out side to check again and still no Butch, back in side I woke Karin to tell her when I heard this thump on the deck and as I went out to check Butch came rushing in. We weren't sure where he was but we suspected he had got off and on to the dock but not sure. A few days later caught him again gone and found him getting back aboard from under the dock and all its piles of rocks, needles to say we now watch Butch like a hawk.

Now here one can see the addition of our new stove which has taken about a week to get everything working properly, seems the BEP propane gas regulator was supplying to much fuel pressure blowing out the oven flame. After checking the orifice for a problem and talking with the Force 10 company was able to determine the problem, have since installed a new regulator at the stove and is working properly. Knowing propane as I do even though have been assured that the location of the new regulator is okay will be relocating to the propane locker in a few days.

The last few weeks have let us get back into our routine of living aboard and adjusting to our living space. Other than Butch snoring all the time things have worked well. In the upcoming weeks we still have to register the boat and get our MMSI number, as well start working on our supply list for food and spare parts, all of which should be cause for a few active discussion, as I know shoes are in there some where. Now also going to get in to a route of reporting weekly here to get ready for when we head off to be swing of keeping daily reports. We are also soon going to have a map of Artful's position, so everyone can see where we are at as well heading.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Time is passing

Time is Passing

This picture is of Halifax Harbour looking from Dartmouth side, at a bush fire in the back ground of Halifax, certainly an impressive view but still very scary. If rain had not arrived on Friday morning there could have been some real problems as the fire department could not get the fire under control.

Well we have almost finished the encloser for the cock pit, which has helped here with the rain now coming to get the interior of the boat organized, so much to work out.

Here is a view from the port side of our enclosure.

We went for a walk the other day and took some pics, here this one is of Quidi Vidi Harbour from the trail up to signal hill. If you click on the picture and look at the green building in the fore ground you will see a white mast or stick as we sailors call it, that is Artful's stick.

On that same walk we went around and down signal hill to the entrance of St John's Harbour and here is a view from coming in through the narrows.

This too is a pic from our little 7 kil stroll around signal hill of Cockolds cove, its just next to the entrance to Quidi Vidi Harbour. For if you were to just sail around that point you would be there at the entrance to the Gut.

This fine couple are Brenda and Gary or as if one looks close enough Don Cherry's possible brother. Brenda and Gary were our first guess aboard this year and I cooked up a slow cooker of a roast.


There are a few updates to pass along, firstly Karin and I both passed our Ham courses, I've received my ham call sign which is VOIPGC, and we are still waiting on Karen's which we hope will be VOIKFC or VOIKEG, we should soon know. We are at present installing our SSD set, with also finishing up some of our many chores on our to do list. There is one we had to add to our list of repairs in that of replacing our cook stove, we had been smelling a share sour smell sometimes which we were able to figure out was a propane smell coming from the cook stove at the controls. guess the shafts and seals have finally began to wear out so no point in trying to repair a 35 year old stove so we bit the bullet and order a new one three burner with oven and broiler, should be a great new addition. So with that there now is nothing left on Artful from the old days all have been replaced except the hull and mast.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Out for a stroll

Out For Stroll

Well finally got out for a stroll, weather was the best kind today, just RDF as all, which means rain, drizzle and fog, a common occurrence here on the rock. Well we've been aboard a week now and still have lots to due. The cock pit is slowly getting closed in as you will see in the following pictures. We've also put back the sails as well, seeing we have just a hundred days left before we head permanently out the gut and on our way into our five year trek around the globe.

And here she is the princess in my life Karin doing what Karin does best being the true tourist, she makes life interesting I must say. Karin has been spending all of her spare time studying for the ham coarse, seeing she will be communications officer, she must get 80% and trust me she is studying. All I here is what is this electronics's about, volts, amps, resistance, power, kilohertz, and so on, in her frustration she says all I have to do is turn it on push the button and speak May Day, May Day, May Day, three times and I will be saved, but then I say to her but sweetie what frequency, and then puts her head back to the books.

Well there she sits Artful, have turned her around after the winter's weather and starting to clean her up for future sailing shake downs

As one can see the cockpit is getting closed in slowly, and none to so, Pat from United sails has been working very hard at making everything work just perfect, spending many trips and back and forth to the boat, measuring and thinking of how it will all come together. I must say that he is a great chap with a great attitude towards the whole thing, as I usually am always in the way but he hasn't given me any remarks about being in the way. At the end of the day he usually walks down from his place just up the hill to check and see what we think and inform us of his next step, great communications I must say , Pat is going to go a long way.

Here is another view of the enclosure, also the boats around Artful, the boat in front of us has a family aboard, Mother, Father, and two young daughters, my praises are good on them for living all winter in such a small pace, which is smaller than ours, by at least half. DJ Tours boat is behind us and it seems they are getting her ready as even this picture has been taken for a special tour for Neil Young on Monday or Tuesday, not sure which but will guess it will be a great place to be if one is interested in seeing Neil Young. For ourselves we will see him in concert Tuesday evening.

What you are seeing here is the basin just before you enter the entrance to Quidi Vidi Harbour otherwise know as the gut.

Its from this view one is able to see the inner portion of the Quidi Vidi Harbour

This view is of the Quidi Vidi gut or entrance, at low tide one with a draft of 4 feet could make it but not advisable, better when high tide then a boat with 6 and a half feet will be fine. Its also very calm today, usually there is a sea on.

And here people is the view of which will be so sweet in 100 days when we and Artful head out on our trek. If you click on the pictures you can get a larger view.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Back Aboard

Back Aboard
This is just a quick update to say after a weekend of leaving the small apartment we are now back aboard, with some serious down sizing to be down by us, but would say mostly by Karin. First night was great rocked to sleep with the winds around 35 to 40 knots, but still was calm. Will have a further updates later this week, as we are also just about finished our cockpit enclosure, as well now storing all our gear, and more shoes.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Adjusting for living back aboard

Karin being the tourist as Randy says she is, but moving back aboard is a big adjustment for Karin one which will be for the next 5 years, so she is being an optimist, finding her comfort zone, and seems she is doing it quite well.

Slowly I'm getting back to re acquainting myself with my galley, and where everything belongs, but the food we cook on board tastes so much better.

This is my galley, still trying to remember how I juggled everything but I'm getting the hang again

Here is our communications station, as well Randy's berth for when he sails with us from Halifax to Bermuda and then on to the BVI's as Goosie has given us permission to let him while she is not aboard.

Now for a few updates on things, both Karin and I passed our VHF coarse, both got the same mark, as well we both got the same questions wrong after we compared our exam results. At present we are about 2/3rds of the way through our ham coarse, which appears will finish sooner than we thought as we have been attending classes on Saturdays as well.
With all the planning we've been making for moving aboard there is always some bumps in the road, and with that we have come up against one we thought won't be a problem, and that was having made plans for showers, seems those plan are not happen so we will find another route, guess I'm joining a GYM

Other changes in the works have been the purchase of a new VHF radio, having DSC, along with GPS. Ordering our A/T 130 tuner for our single side ban radio, which once it arrives the task will begin to set it all up including an antenna on our back stay. That just leaves us to get our EPRIB with GPS and our new 2000 watt Honda generator. Then the big task will begin with compiling our stores and supplies list and where to store then as well how and in what.

Karin to give us a break has got some tickets for a Neil Young concert, which should give us a little break.

If anyone has any questions you can reach us at